My name is Haslahuddin b. Mohammad Zainal.
I'm from Klang, Selangor.
I'm 18 years old.
Now i'm studying in Uni. Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
I'm studying in the field of electrical engineering.
Nice to meet you!!


My name is Nor Hafiz bin Nor Rahman.
I'm from Hulu Langat, Selangor.
I'm 18 years old.
Now i'm studying in Uni. Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
I'm studying in the field of electrical engineering.
Nice to meet you!!


My name is Muhammad Khairul Nizam B. Mohd Rozali.
I'm from Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
I'm 18 years old.
Now i'm studying in Uni. Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
I'm studying in the field of electrical engineering.
Nice to meet you!!
Powered by Blogger.



#1 -Setup the Blog
I recommend WordPress and hosting it yourself. I use a whole bunch of plugins (I will post the top plugins soon) to make my life easier and simple free templates will do the trick with a little tweaking. If you don’t know how to set it up. Go to the Warrior Forum and get it done for you from one of the many web experts. Get a custom logo done or even a custom blog. You can even get the articles written for you at sites like elance.com!
#2 -Create Quality Content
Write quality content in your niche. Usually the error is made in not coming up with the goals of what you want to accomplish for your blog. Set yourself with reachable goals and be consistent with your blog.You need to produce the right type of good content. Make content that your target audience will benefit from and want to come back for more. You need to give information, information, and more information!
Enhance the lives of your readers. After reading your blog, they should feel good and informed. Your goal is to make a very targeted niche and focus on getting an target audience that is looking for that specific topic.
The blogger must create a blog where people want to keep coming back again and again where it was found by word of mouth or a search engine result.
Note: Have 10 Top Quality Articles in place before promotion
#3 – Promote your blog on small communication channels
Small Results (You need to do a lot of this)
* Posting Comments on Blogs & Forums (10 / Day minimum)
* Article Posting (Do research on the keyword of your title before hand)
* Pinging (Pingoat.com – Sends out your RSS to the world)
* Social Networking (Drive people to your best articles and build relationships)
* Submitting to Directories / Search Engines (Do SEO for certain keywords; build your backlinks)
Notes: You want to focus on getting a good group of readers first before worrying about making big traffic. The key is to understand your reader. Know what they like and will buy. Get feedback from them if you don’t know your niche well enough yourself.
By this time, your blog will be looking nice, having some readers, and getting a modest amount of traffic. Now, it’s time to turn on the flood of traffic!
#4 – Get a flood of traffic to your site
* Spend Money on Advertising (Be smart – Find areas where your targeted audience will be)
* Get on TV or get your blog posted on a well known site
* Find someone with a huge subscriber list to talk about your blog.
* Podcasting Interviews – Have a top blogger do the interview and ask them questions. Not only will you learn and build a relationship with this top blogger, you will have a windfall of new traffic from that blogger when they talk about the interview on their site.
Notes: This will take time and patience. Don’t give up! It’s much easier to build traffic once you have thousands of people subscribed to your blog. They will be posting your content all over the web and by word of mouth alone you will build a following of readers.
Eventually, your efforts will pay off and someone will give you big exposure.
#5 – Monetize!
* Set up a free report or tool such as my 110 Free Traffic Tips Report.
* Offer a great quality backend product after the reader takes advantage of your free report or tool.This is the best way to presell your customer which is extremely vital.
* Post reviews of top quality products in your niche that you can endorsed for your readers to check out. Such as Twitter Snipe or Twitter Traffic Exposed – Both Tools I personally endorsed and have used.
* Offer ad space and charge by the month.
* Adsense and other ad sources.
* Offer top products with recurring income to your readers Example – Aweber has a recurring commission for every referral.
Not only by doing these five things will you increase blog traffic , you will also start making a good amount of money from your blog!


About our achivement?? 
As you know, we are still 'fresh' in our field of study.
A lot of things we have to learn and go through.
This is our first time we manage to fininsh up our DITG project dealing with html.
Thanks to our beloved lecturer Mr. Ngo Hea Choon and Dr. Norasiken Bt. Bakar because for the moral support and guidance for us to manage this pages.
This is our achivement and we will try the best to be the best and beat the rest.


Class video's....


UTeM CCF20082010_00000DSC01399*Our beloved classmates……

61873_152728094760306_100000693480035_292234_7438765_n39635_115148228535480_100001209094275_102280_6819969_n62728_441178883947_579058947_5052338_6492940_n 62108_441179083947_579058947_5052346_812078_n *Hang out with friends…..


We’re from groups 'TECHNO-BLAND' by Din.Paan.Abe.Wan.Apiz.Anip’.
We’re furthering our study in Technical University Of Melaka (UTeM).
These groups name was formed from our nickname. 
This e-portfolio ‘like’ blog is dedicated for our ‘Computing Skills’ assignment conducted by Mr. Ngo Hea Choon. 
These task start from 9 August 2010 where we decide our group members and assign a leader for our group.
Our group leader is Haslahuddin.
He’s a very ambitious leader.
On 30 August 2010, we had submitted our first draft with the comparison from the example of ‘someone’ e-portfolio.
From the comparison, we had got the idea on how to form our e-portfolio pages.
In the process of building this eportfolio blog, we have learned many new things that are interested and very useful to practice in our daily life.
We hope this something new will teach us something that is very useful.
As we does this project in a group, its teach us on how to work in a team.


My name is Muhd Hanif B. Padli.
I'm from Kota Tinggi, Johor.
I'm 18 years old.
Now i'm studying in Uni. Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
I'm studying in the field of electrical engineering.
Nice to meet you!!


My name is Muhd Izwan Ikhmal B. Rosli.
I'm from Rembau, Negeri Sembilan.
I'm 18 years old.
Now i'm studying in Uni. Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
I'm studying in the field of electrical engineering.
Nice to meet you!!


My name is Muhd Farhan B. Rasdi.
I'm from Ampang, Selangor.
I'm 18 years old.
Now i'm studying in Uni. Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
I'm studying in the field of electrical engineering.
Nice to meet you!!